Drainage Calculator
Calculate Drainage Capacity and Time To Drain Design with ShockDrain
ShockDrain is a shock attenuation and synthetic aggregate technology designed for the use beneath synthetic turf designed to achieve optimum advanced artificial athlete performance.
This pad-based technology delivers high fluid and air transmissivity and low thermal gradient between sub-grade and turf. This design calculator focuses on the drainage performance of ShockDrain in sports field applications.
Please refer to "ShockDrain Design Procedures" for the technical background and details on the Input Parameters and design steps performed to determine the drainage capacity, and time to drain.

ShockDrain embodies En-Plast technology's innovative design concept
which revolves around three pillars:
Structural Stability
ShockDrain is an integral part with sub-base. The bottom square structure transfers vertical load to base at 360 degrees, the force reduction control to perform as a surface to athletes, and the high-friction angle subbase to pad.
Top-Surface Integrity
ShockDrain is resilient to thermal cycles and play stress forces. It provides true expansion and contraction joints to combat thermal movements in hot or cold climates, and neutral frost cycles to transfer zero forces to top-surface. ShockDrain has high-friction angle turf-pad maintains field configuration integrity under the life of the field. The braced vertical pillar ribs of ShockDrain control playing stressors and provide impact attenuation and energy restitution optimizers. ShockDrain grantszero-line movements above ground.
Drainage Performance
The cross-section ribs and perforation of ShockDrain facilitate vertical and horizontal drainage, quick time for lateral drainage, and flash infiltration, turf-to-pad.
In such application, a typical section consists of, from top down, turf & fill cover layer, ShockDrain, 6-inch leveling stone, a separation geotextile layer, and then the prepared subgrade.
Drainage Calculator
Input Values
Field Conditions
Length of the field from the crest or center of the field to the edge drain
Length of the field parallel to the edge drain
Slope of the field towards the edge drain
(1-all runoff; 0-zero runoff)
Rainfall Properties
Average recurrence interval of the design rainfall event
Duration of the rainfall which the drainage system needs to designed for
Intensity of the rain for the selected event duration and frequency NOAA Precipitation Frequency Data Server
ShockDrain Properties
Thickness of the product as measured by a caliber
The transmissivity is the ability of the product to transmit a volume of water in a given time. It is equal to the hydraulic conductivity times the thickness measured at a given slope/ gradient. Use this Table for the Transmissivity value that corresponds to the project's slope.
Volume of voids percent to the total volume which will enable the water to flow through
Leveling Stone
Represents how fast the water can flow through the leveling stone voids.
Average thickens of the stone as placed in the field.
Volume of voids percent to the total volume which will enable the water to flow through
Represents the percent of voids occupied by water initially before the system be in operation. 100% is fully saturated
Contact Info
Drainage Capacity
Time to Drain / using ShockDrain
Time to Drain / without ShockDrain
- FHWA , 1992, FHWA-SA-92-008.
- Giroud, J.P. Designing with Geotextiles. Definitions of Properties and Design. 1985, pp 266 - 292.
- Koerner, Robert M. 2005. Designing with Geosynthetics, 5th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
- NOAA National Weather NOAA National Weather Services: Precipitation Frequency Estimate, https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds
- US Army Corps of Engineers, Slope Stability, Engineering and Design Manual. EM 1110-2-1902, October 31, 2003.
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